Garlic is a main ingredient in Chinese cooking. It’s used to infuse hot oil, marinate meat, flavor dumpling filling, etc. Garlic is always crushed before using it to cook to release the oils for ultimate flavoring. There are also health benefits associated with crushing garlic. Here is a quick tutorial on how to easily crush garlic cloves.
Start with garlic peeled from the bulb. You don’t need to have the garlic peeled so neatly. I just did it for the picture
Pop the garlic out of its skin by laying a knife with a large blade over the pieces. Hold the knife still with one hand and use a fist to hit the knife blade. Do this one or two times until you see or feel the garlic crack from its skin.
Now that the skin is popped you can easily peel the garlic from it.
The garlic could be crushed enough with the initial hit to pop the skin. If you need to crush it more, repeat the process of placing the blade over the garlic and hitting it with your fist.
Hit it one to three times to get the crushed consistency in the picture above. Your garlic is ready to throw into hot oil for infused flavor or chop for marinating or cooking.
How do you crush your garlic?
The Dumpling Mama xo